2009-June Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Re: [orca-list] Math on Orca (Tim Taves),
Timothy Taves
[orca-list] Orca and opensuse 11.2,
[orca-list] getting orca to work on a live cd?,
[orca-list] Espeak not speaking as fast as possible in Orca,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] Can applications communicate directly with orca?,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] I fixed home computer instance of orca,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] orca and festival,
[orca-list] I broke orca trying to fix window manager,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Problems with Audio in Ubuntu 9.04,
[orca-list] How to use skype plugin in pidgin with orca?,
Khom KAB
[orca-list] Math on Orca,
Timothy Taves
[orca-list] curious about startup configuration,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Booting Ubuntu.,
[orca-list] Problems with ubuntu 9.04 and orca,
Sauro Cesaretti
[orca-list] Thunderbird Badly Broken!,
Steve Holmes
Re: [orca-list] notification-daemon 0.4 gets identified as <unknown>,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Open Office's Form Navigator,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Speech-dispatcher crashes after five minutes,
[orca-list] sound,
[orca-list] orca/linux new user questions,
[orca-list] I have a question about orca and OpenSolaris?,
[orca-list] Feature request: key bindings,
=?iso-8859-1?Q?S=E9bastien?= Hinderer
[orca-list] Continuous reading problem solved!,
[orca-list] Trouble Installing At-spi,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] possible software updates timeout issue,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Orca with vinux 2.0 Alpha!,
[orca-list] a lot of questions relating to orca,
Haden Pike
[orca-list] Insert Mode Toggle,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Unable to stop Orca speech using voxin tts,
Peter Torpey
[orca-list] Not Seeing Highllighted Text in Thunderbird,
Peter Torpey
[orca-list] Getting Grade 2 to Work with Orca and BRLTTY,
Peter Torpey
[orca-list] Ubuntunetbook remix,
[orca-list] Tips debugging Orca,
Bill Cox
[orca-list] Speaking of tables and dynamic headers.... :-),
Joanmarie Diggs
[orca-list] easy peasy again,
[orca-list] Tables in Oo Writer,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] xmms with orca. Inaccessible?,
Derek Roberts
[orca-list] easy peasy with orca?,
[orca-list] latest orca and open office?,
[orca-list] system76 computers?,
[orca-list] orca problem with fedora 9,
John G. Heim
[orca-list] JAWS or Orca?,
Bill Cox
[orca-list] More issues..,
Michael Ryan
[orca-list] ubuntu 99 jaunty and orca?,
[orca-list] ot:thunderbird 3.0,
guy Schlosser
Re: [orca-list] orca problems,
Joshua Lambert
[orca-list] Orca problems...,
Michael Ryan
[orca-list] Followed instructions on website for fixing speech in ubuntu,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Synaptic Package Manager and Orca,
Michael Ryan
[orca-list] Strange orca behavior.,
[orca-list] Trying to Get Speech Out of Second Sound Device,
Peter Torpey
[orca-list] apple mac voices and orca,
[orca-list] ubuntu 9.04 jaunty?,
[orca-list] Please remove src/louis/constants.py.in with POTFILES.in, because this file is deleted,
Hammer Attila
[orca-list] Issue with trunk and firefox,
Bart Bunting
[orca-list] Orca Flag Day - contracted braille support now requires liblouis 1.6.2 or better,
Willie Walker
[orca-list] installing tts speech synthesizer,
[orca-list] propossal for improving usability,
Daniel Rivero Capellan
[orca-list] Continuous reading still a problem.,
[orca-list] Speaking Login Prompt,
Peter Torpey
[orca-list] question about creating a partission,
Re: [orca-list] no more email pleace,
[orca-list] Question with window selector applet,
Hammer Attila
[orca-list] Accessible imaging sollution,
Mobeen Iqbal
[orca-list] Activating the notification of wireless networks,
Daniel K. Gartmann
[orca-list] Thunderbird Add Security Exception window crashes Orca,
David E. Price
[orca-list] Re Orca.....,
[orca-list] Traceback when starting eclipse,
jose vilmar estacio de souza
[orca-list] Login Sound not coming out of default Sound Device,
Peter Torpey
[orca-list] Open Solaris versus Ubuntu,
J. Cathomas
[orca-list] keeping orca up to date,
[orca-list] a small problem when orca is started,
jose vilmar estacio de souza
[orca-list] accissible version of OpenSolaris,
hank smith
[orca-list] Orca "Where Am I" migrated to the new speech generator,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] A number of issues in Forefox,
Willie Walker
[orca-list] Updating the Orca Wiki,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Braille and Orca Again,
Teresa Cochran
[orca-list] Orca versions,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Building AT-SPI before Orca,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Help - Orca is Broken for Me!!!,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] debian squeeze gnome-orca status,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Distros and Orca,
James & Nash
[orca-list] opensolaris and speech-dispatcher,
Joshua Lambert
Re: [orca-list] Using Orca with root permissions,
[orca-list] Problems with read all and compilation of at-spi,
[orca-list] evolution on Ubuntu 8.10 with Orca,
Jason Fayre
[orca-list] Most recent Orca in a VM,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Mandriva Linux 2009-1,
Sergei V. Fleytin
[orca-list] Controlling Virtual Box from Command Line Interface,
Petra Ritter
Re: [orca-list] Git Says Orca is up to date but...,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Open-Sapi Testers Required,
Thomas Lloyd
[orca-list] Uppercase speech parameters not used in Firefox/thunderbird carat navigation,
David E. Price
[orca-list] cannot start Orca after Debian Lenny install,
Jason Fayre
[orca-list] problem with application switch and file browser,
Kristof Nijs
[orca-list] about linux instalers,
Daniel Rivero Capellan
Re: [orca-list] Orca and Java on mobile devices,
Ari Moisio
Re: [orca-list] [g-a-devel] Speech-dispatcher/orca integration specification, first draft.,
Luke Yelavich
[orca-list] gnome-orca status,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Opening application-specific preferences for Orca halts speech,
David E. Price
[orca-list] radio automation software that works with orca?,
hank smith
[orca-list] Software feedback requested from ORCA users in Toronto,
Alison Benjamin
Re: [orca-list] Adding Braille Keybindings,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] Evolution with new refactor?,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] Cursor Tracking, Orca, and Braille,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] When I compose or reply a message with Thunderbird, the Ctrl+End key combination is not work correct,
Hammer Attila
Re: [orca-list] gnome-accessibility food fight,
Rakesh arky Ambati
Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Hammer Attila
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
David E. Price
- [orca-list] mnemonic speaking missing (Re: Flag day for Orca),
Willie Walker
- Re: [orca-list] mnemonic speaking missing (Re: Flag day for Orca),
David E. Price
- Re: [orca-list] mnemonic speaking missing (Re: Flag day for Orca),
Willie Walker
- Re: [orca-list] mnemonic speaking missing (Re: Flag day for Orca),
David E. Price
- Re: [orca-list] mnemonic speaking missing (Re: Flag day for Orca),
Willie Walker
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Lorenzo Taylor
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Willie Walker
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Lorenzo Taylor
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Lorenzo Taylor
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Willie Walker
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Hammer Attila
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca,
Willie Walker
[orca-list] debian vs. ubuntu,
Jason Fayre
[orca-list] Keeping your orca git tree up to date.,
Luke Yelavich
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