Re: [orca-list] [g-a-devel] Speech-dispatcher/orca integration specification, first draft.

On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 03:27:39PM EST, Jan Buchal wrote:
"LY" == Luke Yelavich <themuso ubuntu com> writes:

    LY> I am happy to announce the fourth, and hopefully final draft of
    LY> the speech-dispatcher/GNOME Accessibility technologies
    LY> integration specification, found here:
Great. I'm happy for your activity.


    LY> In the long term interests of making the speech-dispatcher API
    LY> the standard speech API for Linux, it has been suggested to me
    LY> that I look at getting this project hosted at freedesktop, which
    LY> will give some immediate benefits: * A bug tracker

We have a own bug tracker.

Ok, after some googling, I found it. However so far as I can see, its not linked to on the main 
speech-dispatcher project page.

    LY> * A vcs repository
In short time we will replace cvs with git which is now most used.

Ok sounds good. I will likely import speech-dispatcher cvs into git, so I am happy to help with this 
    LY> * A mailing list for development discussion
It is no problem create any mailing list.

I know that, and I do know that speech-dispatcher already has two relevant lists.

    LY> Whilst the original home of speech-dispatcher has mailing lists
    LY> and a vcs repository, there is no bug tracker so far as I have
    LY> found, and moving to freedesktop is another way of indicating a
    LY> willingness to define a speech API standard. Moving to
    LY> freedesktop also may draw interest from other parts of the
    LY> community to help with the speech API standardization effort. It
    LY> would also be nice to get speech-dispatcher into a more useful
    LY> vcs repository, something other than cvs. :) So if anybody is
    LY> reading this and have ties with freedesktop, please contact me,
    LY> as I'd love to hear from you.
As I wrote freebsoft project has own support for developers. Another
very strong tool is wiking, it is a CMS which is designet with
accessibility features and under it run site.

Again, this is great. I appreciate that you went to the effort to ensure the site was usable by all, and that 
a CMS was used to develope the site.

Since its seems Brailcom have everything that is needed, perhaps the move to freedesktop is not so important, 
however it is something to keep in mind for the future, shoudl speech-dispatcher become the speech standard 
for Linux


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