Re: [orca-list] JAWS or Orca?

Alastair Irving <alastair irving sjc ox ac uk> wrote:
I personally find emacspeak to be very productive for writing code.   It  
has quite a steep learning curve, especially if you're unfamiliar with  
emacs, but the results are, in my opinion, definitely worthwhile.

Indeed they are. Emacspeak is the best speech-based environment that I have
yet encountered.

My advice would be to use text-based applications (Emacs, Vi, the shell, Mutt,
Alpine, or whatever) as much as possible, and to use Orca for applications
that require it, for example when you need a Web browser that supports
Javascript-intensive applications.

For speech access you can use Emacspeak, of course, performing many desktop
functions within Emacs. However, there are also other options, Speakup and
Yasr, for example, that I would recommend investigating.

I rely more on braille than on speech for much of my work. For this purpose, I
use a braille display and the excellent BRLTTY software, which also integrates
well into Orca.

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