Re: [orca-list] Orca "Where Am I" migrated to the new speech generator

Hi, Will and Joanie,

I've done a little light testing and only found one problem so far. In Thunderbird's Write window, if you are in one of the recipient fields and press where am I, you don't hear the contents of the text field--I hear "toolbar list item 4 of 4".

The label "toolbar" is a problem in both Firefox and Thunderbird that has been around for a long time and I have never gotten around to filing as a bug. In Firefox, labels are not read for the Location and Search text fields on the toolbar when "where am I" is pressed, just the overall label "toolbar". In the Thunderbird Write window, the same thing is true for the recipient and subject fields. I've tested in only a few dialog boxes within Thunderbird, and text fields are read correctly with their labels.

Note that this testing is being done with latest pull from git on gnome 2.24.1--my 2.26 installation has run into sound problems that I'm going to try to fix later today.

I'll try to do some more testing tonight.


On 06/10/2009 10:05 AM, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

As part of the next step of the speech generator refactor, we've just tackled the "Where Am I" code. This has simplified a lot of code and has also caught/eliminated a number of latent bugs.

We've tested this a fair amount and I've checked in the bulk of the changes to the master branch of GIT. Joanie and I are noticing some test discrepancies between our machines, however, and will be working on resolving these before the 2.27.3 release coming up next week.

So, if you'd like to test against the master branch, please do and let us know of issues you find.

Many thanks!

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