Yeah I gave Orca a good go..... every time I tried to open it, it would sort of "start up" but never actually start up at all. So I set it to start up on boot; and that is where the problems really began. It started up all right; and I was left with a hugely magnified screen that; a) Had the cross hairs disassociated from the mouse pointer.... b) The cross hairs for the part never moved - AND i) Could not be made to move with the mouse; or ii) directional keys like the < ^ > V arrow keys or any other keys; iii) Nor would any other keys that one would reasonably assume make the screen zoom in or out happen, do anything - like Shift and + or -, or the mouse scroll wheel; c) And no key or any combination of keys would actually do anything - Sooooooo d) I was stuck with a PC that had a default HUGELY magnified little square of the screen - that could not operate; So I had to become immensely cunning and do a multitude of things to get rid of ORCA - by going through the boot up screen and doing a clever and complex little bit of work to stop Orca switching on at start up, without actually logging in. And I kind of like to have my computer read things out to me... which is the reason why I installed it. I'd really hate to be significantly impaired - either visually, physically or cognatively; and to be ending up in the same situation as I did with no help to get around the "Orca block" at start up. Like I don't know where the programmers heads are at, but I think the lack of SIMPLE controls like DIRECTION, ZOOM IN and OUT; and The lack of a simple interface to make it read stuff like with RIGHT CLICK "read selection, read page, read entire document" etc., basically makes it a bad program to have and use. Like I am not into BIG manuals, with lots and lots and lots of queer key combinations and lots of things to remember and or write down or print out and eventually lose or forget etc., before I even use the program. But the LACK of FUNDAMENTAL CONTROLS is just BOOL SHOOT . (I meant bullshit) As an after thought, while the free and basic version of Adobe Reader, has a good reader in it; although the "fuckwits" who compiled the program put in a MINIMUM voice speed that is just way to high; and it's not able to be set to read "from and to" certain points or pages - within those limitations of functionality; it's actually a good program add on. Though having been an occassional user of the OLD Please Read 2000 - that was actually much better, for the range of voices, reading speeds and pitch.... Anyway. Must go. Cheers Poodle Doodle. |