Re: [orca-list] Synaptic Package Manager and Orca


On Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) you don't need to modify the sudoers file or create the .orbitrc file.

There is still however the bug with the gksu command which affects running admin applications from the menus (someone please fix this!), the workaround is to run those apps from the terminal.

So to run synaptic type sudo synaptic.

As for keeping things up to date, the update-manager program should launch itself automatically when there are updates to be installed. If you want to run it manually type sudo update-manager in the terminal.


On 18/06/09 16:03, Michael Ryan wrote:

Hi List:

I have a clean install of 9.04 Jawnty installed and I see tgat Orca can't access the synaptic package manager or my broadcom wireless adapter. I know there was a work around for the synaptic issue but I can't remember the peramiters for editing the sudoers file or creating the orbitrc file. There was a really intuitive walk through on Darragh's site but it's no longer there. Also, now that I have 9.04 installed, do I still update the package lists and so on with the apt-get install update command?

Thanks all:


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