[orca-list] Open Office's Form Navigator

Hash: RIPEMD160
I haven't heard anything on this so figured to ask again. Does anyone have any further ideas on the message below?

I thought I'd look into building a form in a document using Open
Office Writer but when I tried to open the Form Navigator from the
forms control toolbar, Orca can't seem to read anything in it.  I
first enabled the form controls toolbar from the View menu and then
from the form controls bar, I chose Form Navigator.  When I press F6
to toggle around between the menu bar and other tool bars, I come up
on the form navigator but Orca will say something like, "form na" and
then say no more.  While the form navigator is in focus, the only key
I can get to speak at all is the KP_Enter key.  When I press it, it
just says "Form label".  I can also get it to read the title bar which
says "Form Navigator" but all other keys including the flat review
keys yield silence.  I thought it would be easer to use the Form
Navigator to build the form and insert the form fields.  I can't seem
to figure out any other accessible way to add form fields to a
document.  The online help says stuff about "Click, Drag and Drop" and
frankly, I don't do drag and drop stuff to well, if at all.

Has anyone around here used Oo to build forms while using Orca?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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