Re: [orca-list] mnemonic speaking missing (Re: Flag day for Orca)

Bummer about the automatic speaking of the mnemonics not working when
the "Speak object mnemonics" checkbox is checked. I tested it with the
checkbox checked and unchecked (you need to press "Apply" or "OK" for
the settings to take effect) and it worked fine for me.
I've been using this setting since I discovered it a month or two ago.
But, I have also unchecked and checked the box since the refactor
without the mnemonics being spoken when the box is checked.

Please send me your ~/.orca/ file. I'd like to take a look at it.

For the two items in question -- Speak blank lines and speak tutorial
messages -- there's a reason no mnemonics are being spoken: there
aren't any on those objects. We try to give almost everything a
mnemonic, but looks like we missed a couple. Mnemonics can be very
troublesome in dialogs with lots of widgets because we run out of
meaningful letters quickly.

I would suggest dividing the speech page into two pages to free up more
mnemonics. I know... just adding to your workload. ;-)

It ain't on my workload unless someone logs an RFE. ;-) However, my focus right now is to resolve any regressions that might have been introduced by the refactor.

Once I finish what I'm doing, I'll reboot my laptop into Linux using
gnome 2.26 and let you know the behavior.

This will be a good data point.



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