Re: [orca-list] Flag day for Orca

Hm. Now there is a new problem. I am noticing now that collapsed threads don't have their subjects spoken at times. This seems to occur the first time I focus on a thread, but it doesn't happen all the time. I'm not sure how to guarantee reproduction of this one, since when I sent my previous message, the subjects were spoken every time I hit a collapsed thread and now I am unable to reproduce it. But just before I started to send this message, the bug showed itself twice quickly, but as soon as I arrowed off and back onto the thread, it behaved as expected again.

Nia diligenta kolegaro
En laboro paca ne laciÄos,
Äis la bela sonÄo de l' homaro
Por eterna ben' efektiviÄos.
--La Espero, himno de Esperanto

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