[orca-list] Issue with trunk and firefox

Hi Will and all,


I’m having a pretty big issue with firefox on trunk.  Basically after the commit shown below speech output appears largely hosed J.  When visiting www.google.com.au orca doesn’t read most of the text on the page.  When using orca plus tab I’m moved to the next form element but it is not spoken.  This is not specific to google that is just one example.


Now perhaps it’s something in my setup, I’m running orca from trunk with an otherwise standard Ubuntu Intrepid installation, no at-spi updates to 2.27 etc.  I didn’t want to file a bug until I can confirm it’s not just me having this issue.


I found the offending commit by doing a git bisect starting from the 1st june.


Is anyone else seeing anything like this?


commit 1bfd7f20a455cb4dde944fc588a9eb0a8f71c76c

Author: Willie Walker <william walker sun com>

Date:   Sat Jun 13 08:47:35 2009 -0400


    Add pauses before mnemonics (bgo#585417)




Bart Bunting


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