Re: [orca-list] IAccessible2 and Orca

On -10/01/37 20:59, Willie Walker wrote:
I've always liked the idea of a cross platform API, and I've mentioned this for the past two decades I've worked in this space. The reality, however, is that it's going to take a while (if ever) to get there. The problem is that there is already a significant investment in supporting existing API's. Asking everyone (AT vendors, toolkit providers, application developers, etc.) to retool everything for a common API is a difficult thing to swallow, as would be the idea of spending years of design-by-committee time to get people to agree to something.
As well as the issues you say, couldn't we end up with problems with trying to find common features all the way through, so ending up with some compromises on some platforms (eg. this would be like the problems discussed for cross-platform GUI toolkits, wx people complain that they can't get all the features available on linux, or the alternative if you use something like GTK it might not seem fully natural to windows users as some of the controls aren't quite like the native ones). Unfortunately I doubt we will ever get to a single accessibility API, probably similar but adapted for the specific platform APIs (as said about iaccessible2 and at-spi) is going to be what will be achievable.
For those who want to create cross-platform accessible apps, but only 
want to use one accessibility API then java swing and SWT seem about the 
only sensible option at the moment.
Anyway as this does not really fit in with an orca topic I will leave it 
Michael Whapples


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