2003-April Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
pango + Xft2 without XRender,
Tim Mooney
setting version of gtk used for compiling,
John Mann
GtkPlug is an interesting thing,
Jun Ma
help: hot to make a systembar kind of thing,
Jun Ma
GtkCombo deprecation,
Ian King [ES]
why no FLT_RADIX, DBL_MAX_EXP, etc. in glib?,
pls help,
Sweety Rao
gtk_label_set_markup confusion,
Preben Randhol
help: error when compiling,
Jun Ma
How to simulate a key down/up event with gtk+?,
Mouse and Gtk,
gtk_widget_realize and GtkLabel,
Vic Doc'Kay
Jun Ma
GUI Development Lead position in CA, USA,
HR - GUI Developer
loosing the connection to the X server,
Hendrik Tews
Douglas Ian Linder
Hunting a specific signal... (Map event?),
Douglas Ian Linder
GTK+ 1.2.10 on Solaris has segfault inside malloc,
Eric M. Monsler
Documentation on the gtk.org website is not correctly named,
gtk on ms windows; adding vietnamese input method,
Font and Color,
Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes
interaction between radio buttons and the window,
Rui Cheang
RE: Compiling gtk error - png ???,
Sylvain ARNAUD
Unpleasant localisation related bug in gtk-based applications.,
Ariel . Burbaickij
GtkTreeView problem,
Laszlo Kovacs
GDK_Up/Down works only with GDK_CONTROL_MASK. Why?,
FileSelection Error,
Audrey Vernon
Text Widget,
Or Goshen
Custom renderer for GtkCombo,
Chris Wareham
Closing a window ?,
Peter Moscatt
Problem compiling GTK+ 2.2.1,
regarding project,
mani kumar
Exiting application in gtk with key combination Ctrl+x,
Finding out color names,
Guenther Sohler
Changing color of toggle button, when toggled in gtk,
Grouping Radio Buttons ?,
Peter Moscatt
runtime problem glib/mysql?,
Carl B. Constantine
problems with adding to a container.,
Stoyan karanfilov
Anjuta is really wonderful for developing with GTK+!,
Richard Jiang
X window and rc file,
Ariel Fritz
How can i set the signal of a GtkTextView to go off on <enter>??,
Arash Nikkar
Protected memory for password entry,
Egon Andersen
Window Fized Size,
Peter Moscatt
gtk_toolbar_X_item. How can it callback?,
Douglas Ian Linder
Re: gtk-list digest, Vol 1 #1501 - 3 msgs,
Richard Jiang
GtkItemFactoryEntry and StockItem,
Alejandro García Rodríguez
Motif to GTK,
B. Souliotis
Font Problem (Mozilla, Synaptic,....),
Angela Stempfel
Changing Colours - Again !!,
Peter Moscatt
socket options,
Shiraz Baig
Traversing a container's children..,
Audrey Vernon
entry background color,
Jun Ma
about GdkColor,
Jun Ma
Changing cursor color of GtkTextView and GtkEntry,
Chris Ferrell
Stopping the cursor from changing over GtkEntry,
Elizabeth Barham
types, functions and modules that were in gnome1 but not in gnome2.0, 2.2,
GTK+2.2.1 installation,
Wattrelos Boris-rb121c
RE: SOLVED: Re: How to Make a Window Come to Top?,
Murray . Cumming
any help ,any suggestion,
transferring images through ORBit and gdk_draw_rgb_image,
Peter Van Osta
Returning Display Size ?,
Peter Moscatt
How to Make a Window Come to Top?,
Elizabeth Barham
How to Load an Image using Imlib2 and Gtk,
shanaka herath
(no subject),
how to show the content of xterm in a gtk window,
Ng Sio Lei
another multiple selection question,
Dave Reed
multiple select in treeview,
Dave Reed
Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
B. Souliotis
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
B. Souliotis
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Valdis . Kletnieks
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
B. Souliotis
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Valdis . Kletnieks
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Joel Becker
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Valdis . Kletnieks
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Joel Becker
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Valdis . Kletnieks
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
B. Souliotis
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Valdis . Kletnieks
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Joel Becker
- Re: Problem with Pango On IBM AIX 4.3.3,
Joel Becker
Problem with Xft.h,
TextView right justification problem,
Boszormenyi Zoltan
How to align columns in a GtkTreeView widget?,
Boszormenyi Zoltan
Debug problem on Anjuta,
GTK+ 2.2.1 build problems,
Brendan E. Conboy
Problems with older version,
Angeles Pulido Junquera
malo p
Display and refresh,
malo p
Diego Zuccato
pthread problem,
problem with ./configure gtk+-2.2.0,
Felix Leditzky
Where is my 'gtk.h' ?,
Peter Moscatt
Configure for GTK 1.2.10,
S. Faizi
gtk+-2.0 replacement for gnome_stock_new_with_icon,
Can someone help me get rid of XLib errors? please,
Arash Nikkar
cursor color,
Chris Ferrell
Combo and TreeView? (and more),
Eike Lange
Getting a accelerator on a menuitem,
Jon Wilson
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Treeview,
Vincent Dias
C interpreter for GTK+,
Peter Wu
Gtk... collapsable toolbars?,
Douglas Ian Linder
Newbie: GTK: cannot open display in FreeBSD,
derik DeVecchio
RE: [HIG] RE: [Usability]shouldn't action-area-border of GtkDialo gs be 6 by default?,
Murray . Cumming
GtkCList arrow,
RE: [Usability]shouldn't action-area-border of GtkDialogs be 6 by default?,
Murray . Cumming
Quick Compatability Question,
TCP socket closing from client,
Shiraz Baig
James Drabb
- <Possible follow-ups>
- gtkrc,
M Ezman Zainudin
Billy Patton
shouldn't action-area-border of GtkDialogs be 6 by default?,
Christian Neumair
Gtk, Threads and a Fatal IO error 0,
Sebastian Ley
Help about panel applet popup xml file,
Changing the value of a spin button,
Audrey Vernon
lambda-like expressions for C,
Edward Peschko
Re: lambda-like expressions for C,
Lars Clausen
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: lambda-like expressions for C,
Evan Lavelle
Re: lambda-like expressions for C,
Evan Lavelle
RE: lambda-like expressions for C,
Murray . Cumming
Re: lambda-like expressions for C,
John . Cupitt
Documentation for gtkrc files,
Ian Pilcher
Compile error on Solaris 8 for gtk+-2.2.1,
Michael Prentice
Pango and problems with dia,
Kuno Ospald
Threads on gtk,
Ariel Fritz
Using GTK-Wimp under a GTK+ 2.x application.,
Renato Perini
Getting table coordinates,
Zigus Software Inc
Gtk memory management... [How often do you see this...?],
Douglas Ian Linder
autoconf + Debian Sid + gtk2,
David Lloyd
digits displayed in spin buttton,
Audrey Vernon
number of digit in gtk_list/gtk_tree ?,
treeview selection single,
Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu
Irregular gtk application behavior - Help,
Ariel Fritz
Move window event?,
Lars Clausen
Newbie can't compile & install,
Phillip Pi
need people to add documentation to glib?,
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Marius Andreiana
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Sven Neumann
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Chris Wareham
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Sven Neumann
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Chris Wareham
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Guido Draheim
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Sven Neumann
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Guido Draheim
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Sven Neumann
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Guido Draheim
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Guido Draheim
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Sven Neumann
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Guido Draheim
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Owen Taylor
- Re: need people to add documentation to glib?,
Guido Draheim
'BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length,
How do I associate windows,
Billy Patton
dialogs not resizable,
Alejandro García Rodríguez
how to show a window X time ?,
Ariel Fritz
compile theme dll/def file,
Christian Weiske
GtkCellRendererToggle & GtkCellRendererText: getting events in the same cell,
Romain Liévin
changing style in a button,
Edoardo Vigoni
Closing an application,
Shiraz Baig
GtkRange and adjust_bounds,
Michael Smith
Where the hell is gtk-config?,
Frank Hrebabetzky
gtkrc - Mozilla menu & cursor color,
Ian Pilcher
Japanese text input in GTK,
Dave Malcolm
easy question about viewports,
Kendrick Smith
GtkTextBuffer + integers?,
Ben LeMasurier
UTF8 guarantees for GdkEntryKey,
Dave Malcolm
problems with gtk-demo,
GtkTreeView sorting...please help,
Victor Mierla
GtkTreeView sorting... please help,
Victor Mierla
Help needed with Gdk-Pixbuf compile problem,
Tom Williams
"Moveable" tabs in GtkNotebook,
Alejandro García Rodríguez
GTypeInfo.instance_init vs. GObject.constructor,
unsubscribe 262422 mplutz2 wanadoo fr,
succeeded in Xscreensaver+GTK on Solaris 2.8,
Utku Ozcan
where is the gtkwidget. file ...,
Anish Chandran
Fork Problem 2,
Stock components.,
Audrey Vernon
Pango/Xft compile problem,
Frank Hrebabetzky
copy text the to the clipboard,
Ben LeMasurier
Signals - newbie,
Dennie, Brooke
A new project????,
One menu, multiple drawing areas,
Billy Patton
META -- including screenshots on the list,
Edward A. Falk
modify a pixbuf,
Ottavio Campana
GtkTreeView sorting...,
Victor Mierla
Fork Problem,
Building V2.2.0 with gcc V2.8.1,
Richard Warren
cross compiling gtk libraries for StrongArm,
vikram gadagkar
widgets arange question,
Stoyan karanfilov
Bug in GtkCurve?,
Elena Shejn
Re: failed to load "./stock_add_16.png":,
Michael Prentice
Finding descriptions of gnome1 entities changed for gnome2,
colors change.,
Ana GP
Compile problem with gdk-pixbuf-io.c,
Michael Prentice
Compile error in gdk-pixbuf-io.c, __builtin_va_alist and __builtin_va_arg_incr,
Michael Prentice
Question about embedding hyperlinks in Pango Text Attribute Markup,
Dave Malcolm
How to add backend application,
pratik desai
Pango 'feature'...,
Lionel Ulmer
A Solution to "JPEG Loader Failed" problem,
Perry Valdez
who is familiar with 'GtkTransparency' provided by Paul Davis,
Jun Ma
Re: multithreading: from gtk+1.2 to gtk+2.2,
Owen Taylor
Lars Clausen
module_path replacement,
Paul J.Y. Lahaie
how to read from gtk_entry,
edward hage
Relocatable GTK 2.0,
Paul J.Y. Lahaie
Re: New Text Editing Widget,
Maxim A. Telegin
windows into window,
Alejandro García Rodríguez
Re: logic problem,
Billy Patton
Re: win32 newbie,
Stephen Witkop
remove bg_image from gtk-style?,
Edoardo Vigoni
Re: Can I make a IM Module resident?,
James Su
Re: Forcing window updates,
Owen Taylor
question about buffered output,
Edward Peschko
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