Re: Japanese characters display

On 2003.04.25 19:26 ramdhan singh wrote:
> Thanx a lot Malherbe for responding.
> Actually I am looking a program displaying "Hello
> World" or some characters in JAPANESE language.
> I have some level of comfort with GTK in english. But
> no clue how to handle other language.

I don't understand a word of it, but you might find something
on to use as an example, eg.,


Ali Harlow                              Email: ali avrc city ac uk
Research programmer                     Tel:   (020) 7040 4348
Applied Vision Research Centre          Intl: +44 20 7040 4348
City University                         Fax:   (020) 7040 5515
London                                  Intl: +44 20 7040 5515

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