windows into window


	I have an application that shows a menu bar, a "main window" and a
status bar. I will call the main function of the application "action".
This "action" requieres an input file and generates and output file. Thus,
a user can open several files and apply the "action" over them. I want
that all the files (input ones, output ones and opened but not "actioned"
ones) were contained into the "main window". The user can select a file to
view by clicking it with the mouse or can maximize/minimize/resize the
file, etc. All those operations should not make the window containing that
file larger than the "main window".

	Which container can I use as "main window" and for each file?
Which are the best ideas for doing this in your opinion?

	Thank you in advance.

				   --     Alejandro García Rodríguez     --
				   --  e.mail.       agarcia die upm es  --

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