Re: gtk_container_child_set_properties

Hi Lars,

One way to create the button with your picture and without border is to write sompething like :

GtkWidget *create_button(const gchar *image_name)
       GtkWidget       *button;
       GtkWidget       *image;
       GdkPixbuf       *pixbuf;
       gint            xsize, ysize;

       image = gtk_image_new_from_file(image_name);

       pixbuf  = gtk_image_get_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(image));
       xsize   = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf);
       ysize   = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf);

       button  = gtk_button_new();
       gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(button), 0);
       gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(button), xsize, ysize);
       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(button), image);

       /* Connect the button to the event you like ... */


       return button;

Hope it helps,


Lars Clausen wrote:


I'm trying to make a (status) button with an image in it.  Unfortunately,
it gets a border around it that's unpleasantly large and that I'd like to
remove.  I've tried looking at the child properties of the button, but
gtk_container_class_list_child_properties gives me nothing.  Are the child
properties for various containers documented anywhere?  Is there a property
or something else that lets me do this (a la the padding parameter for hbox)?


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