Re: need people to add documentation to glib?


Guido Draheim <guidod-2003- gmx de> writes:

> Silence again?

this is not the appropriate place to discuss this. If all you did was
asking here (on a users list), I'm not surprised that there wasn't
much response.

> Anyway, how to bring up a decision that
> (a) glib methods should be fully documented with their set of
>      pre-conditions and post-conditions. A lot of functions
>      have some check-functions in their implementation to
>      print a warning and return with a value which can help
>      in deriving pre-conditions and that should be in the
>      docs so that developers don't need to read the source
>      code of glib.
> (b) create extensions on the documentation processor to
>      get at a docbook master xml file that can be turned
>      into proper troff man pages. It would need to include
>      per-function manpages and it would be good to have them
>      contain cross-references to overview pages that decribe
>      in short words a function family and their design.

bring the topic up on gtk-devel-list where it belongs or/and file a

Salut, Sven

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