Re: need people to add documentation to glib?

On Ma, 2003-04-08 at 04:20, Britton wrote:
> I notice that a lot of the glib/gobject functions are not documented for a
> while now.  Is there any straightforward way to contribute documentation?
The documentation of those functions are in the code, right? ( and
extracted by gtk-doc at build time )
So you can check out the latest code from cvs and edit those, then
submit a patch ( to mailing list or make a bug in bugzilla, attach the
patch and then mail the list to look at that and commit it ).

And don't give up if you'll get no answers sometimes. Documentation is
more than welcome!
Let me know if you need instructions with cvs or how to make the patch.

Thanks for contributing,
Marius Andreiana
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