TCP socket closing from client

Continuing with my networking sockets.....
Now-a-days, I am working on TCP sockets.

I can connect from a TCP client to a TCP server,
successfully. The problem arises when I want to close
the connection. When I close the socket from the
client side, it should send a FIN to the server and
the connection should gracefully close. But server
aborts and gives a message "broken pipe".

When I close the socket from the server side, it
properly sends a FIN and the client gracefully closes
the connection.

If I do not use GTK, this problem does not arise.

So, it appears that there is some problem with the
implementation of GTK.

I have also tried to use GTK_INPUT_EXCEPTION, but it
does not catch anything.

So, the question is:
1) Shall I conclude that the client can never close
the socket?

2) If so, then how does the client close the


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