Mouse and Gtk


I try to catch coordonates of the mouse and I didn't success.
I don't understant why my code doesn't run.

I do the following things :
#I connect a function to my gtk object (a gtk_window) with the line :

#The prototype of the function catch_mouse is :
gboolean catch_mouse(GtkWidget *Window, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer user);

#In this function, I test the event with the following code :
if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
	/* my code, example*/
	printf("x %d y %d\n",event->x, event->y);

I use a notebook under Debian with a touchpad and GTKI+ 1.2.9. I don't thing my notebook prevents execution. More, I develop this project under MacOS X, it runs (the graphic interface) but I don't catch coordonates of the mouse.

C stor

*  Romain PARMANTIER  <--- EPITA --->  [## parman_r ##] tel: 01-45-59-03-88 *
*    a.k.a C stor     <-PROMO  2005->  [### Ing  1 ###] tel: 06-07-66-16-18 *
*     plus d'info : finger parman_r    [#delegue Gr C#] UIN:    26512401    *
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              "Tout être vivant est un suspect qui s'ignore"

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