2012-July Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Gimp-user] need help for a text,
odimegwu david
[Gimp-user] GIMP Customization,
shyam megha
[Gimp-user] Export layers as image sequence,
Aditia A. Pratama
[Gimp-user] Transform Tools rotate,
Gary Montalbine
[Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8 (win7x64) user manual,
[Gimp-user] JPEG Quality Slider,
[Gimp-user] Installing 2.8 on Windows XP SP2,
Rex Dog
[Gimp-user] Default export location in 2.8 in Windows,
Jamie Kitson
[Gimp-user] install,
SBBC Teacher
[Gimp-user] Text with multicoloue horizontal stripes,
[Gimp-user] can't add existing layers to a group.,
[Gimp-user] gimp definition,
[Gimp-user] gimp color selector like in GNU Paint,
[Gimp-user] the same cursor no matter what the tool,
[Gimp-user] Subject: Re: Need Gimp DPI increased,
judah kleinveldt
[Gimp-user] Need Gimp DPI increased,
[Gimp-user] UI,
Susan Bishop
[Gimp-user] photo analysis checklist tool,
odimegwu david
[Gimp-user] GIMP Magazine Launches Fall 2012,
Steve Czajka
[Gimp-user] Gimp for casual users,
Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp for casual users,
Alexandre Prokoudine
[Gimp-user] GIMP old setup,
[Gimp-user] 2.6 to 2.8 Workflow,
[Gimp-user] printing photos on paper etc,
odimegwu david
[Gimp-user] Tablets,
Maddy Preston
[Gimp-user] Errors on "sudo make install" step of compiling gtk+ version 3.4.3,
Nick Rahl
[Gimp-user] Link images,
Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
isabel brison
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Daniel Hauck
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Richard Gitschlag
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
scott s.
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Richard Gitschlag
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Liam R E Quin
- [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Daniel Hauck
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Richard Gitschlag
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Liam R E Quin
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
John Coppens
- Re: [Gimp-user] DON'T HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Ken Warner
[Gimp-user] New donation option - Added Flattr button to www.gimp.org,
Michael Schumacher
[Gimp-user] GIMP won't handle simple copy-and-paste?,
Keith Purtell
[Gimp-user] Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch greyed out,
[Gimp-user] colour negative orange cast,
Brian Brophy
Re: [Gimp-user] Bug in Cage Transform Tool (gimp-user-list Digest, Vol 9, Issue 19),
[Gimp-user] GIMP 2.6,
[Gimp-user] GIMP 2.8 usability discussion - Argument consolidation and referencing,
[Gimp-user] How do I get the dashboards/icons to display at the bottom--they are on the left now?,
Fast Primes
[Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Shlomi Fish
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Shlomi Fish
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Partha Bagchi
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Aliet Exposito
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Daniel Hauck
- [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
- Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Aliet Exposito
Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Liam R E Quin
[Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
[Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?,
Liam R E Quin
[Gimp-user] using Gimp in secure environments,
Ilya Zavorin
[Gimp-user] Device specific tool options,
Mikael Ståldal
[Gimp-user] Gimpshop.com,
Vu Le
[Gimp-user] Gimp - 2.8 Usability Drop,
[Gimp-user] Raw files won't open any more!,
[Gimp-user] gimp documentation,
Weichao Wang
[Gimp-user] Does the new version come with a save for web option?,
Bob Smits
[Gimp-user] so we wanted to install the latest version, but it does not work !!! please help us ...,
Gally Yoko
Re: [Gimp-user] correct reference for the Gimp ?,
Kevin Cozens
Re: [Gimp-user] not very much GIMP related, but... need help, dear Devs!,
Kevin Cozens
Re: [Gimp-user] Paste single image in new doc pastes multiple times,
Alexandre Prokoudine
[Gimp-user] how to preserve semi-transparency when converting to indexed,
[Gimp-user] GIMP Editing Problem,
Akmahl Kalkalash
[Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Dave Helgert
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Message not available
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Message not available
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Francesco Scaglioni
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Oon-Ee Ng
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Richard Gitschlag
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Marco Ciampa
- [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Liam R E Quin
- Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Richard Gitschlag
Re: [Gimp-user] Thank you developers, for your patience.,
Bob Long
[Gimp-user] JPG export best practices,
Adir Kol
[Gimp-user] Problems with Gimp on Ubuntu,
Re: [Gimp-user] Why I went back from GIMP 2.8 to 2.6.x,
Steve Kinney
Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior,
Archie Arevalo
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