[Gimp-user] GIMP Magazine Launches Fall 2012

Our team wanted you to know that Issue #1 is now complete, and we plan to launch it in the Fall 2012.  We have been working very hard at getting this magazine right.  We have secured an ISSN International number to increase the awareness of the magazine, uniquely identify GIMP Magazine from others, and to assist with searching and cataloging this publication.


Here is a "sneak peek" of what is arriving in Issue #1:

  • Cover Story of a photographer who is exclusive to both GIMP and UFRAW
  • Stunning Master Class tutorial in GIMP.  A truly awesome GIMP transformation of a real location in France.
  • HDR photography story using GIMP and related software packages
  • Amazing design gallery - Contributions from the GIMP Community
  • Very cool photography gallery - More contributions from the GIMP Community
  • A "Back to School" article listing essential GIMP resources filling literally two blackboards
  • A unique non-technical GIMP 2.8 review
  • A Call for Content for Issue #2 & #3
  • And we wrapped all of this in a professional, yet cool looking layout magazine design where any artist would feel comfortable presenting their works within, and we are attracting some outstanding artists and photographers who are all exclusive to GIMP.


We are quite pleased with how this issue turned out and we look forward to publishing on a quarterly basis.  Issue #1 is exactly 50 pages using a traditional 8.125" x 10.75" magazine style layout that is best viewed using facing page mode.  We will be releasing a standard screen resolution PDF, an elegant PDF viewing experience through www.issuu.com/GIMPMagazine and we also have an ePub version already in the works.  All of this will be accessible from our brand new website http://gimpmagazine.org


We will be posting some magazine previews during the month of August on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/116869971719072318131/posts ) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/GIMPMagazine ) and our website.


It would be amazing if you could help spread the word.  On our website is our logo and launch graphic if you want to include it in a tweet, a blog post entry, Googl+ post, or simply forward this to people who would be interested.


We are also planning a launch party for those interested.  Details to follow.



Steve Czajka (http://steveczajka.posterous.com)

Managing Editor

GIMP Magazine


You should check out my blog at www.steveczajka.posterous.com or follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/steveczajka

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