[Gimp-user] Hugin panorama tool

Thank you all so very much for replying and trying to assist. I appreciate it very much.  But  I wish you 
were all here in my workshop...(I am one artist that knows little of technology even though I hold a degree 
in Information systems and economics..guess which I focused my career on?) 

1. my frustration is 
The original file (photo) is Jpeg...23 cm x 13 cm (in stupid man's language).
Here are the image details/properties - 
Size in Pixels - 2200 x 1398 pixels
Print size - 776x493 mm
resolutin 72 x 72 ppi
Colour Space - RGB
File size - 1.3 GB
File type - XCF

2. The next problem - 
I manipulated the image using Gimp's artistic 'Cubism' feature AND I used the Whirl and Pinch feature and 
again the settings are nowhere to be found so I cannot replicate the manipulation  - and these settings i.e. 
tile size etc are not set so I cannot replicate them when indeed I manage to obtain a newly sized image? any 
ideas where I find the settings.

Obviously It did not set 'edit - preferences - tool options - save on exit' ....stupidly 
Can I find the original manipulation features settings to utilise if I manage to increase file size and 
Any GIMP experts in S Africa ? I would be most happy to pay for assistance.

you are all very kind..thank you

Bludigo (via gimpusers.com)

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