Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP Customization

---- shyam megha <shyamnguitar gmail com> wrote: 
Want to use GIMP for map publishing.Please help me with the links of source
code download.

1. First is procedure for compiling.

2. Second is customization procedure for reducing menu structure.

3. Also tell me how can change the logo.

I have to laugh at this.  Your first question(not numbered.. ie links of source code) is already answered and 
at least to my reading clearly available on the GIMP website.   Your second question(item number 1, which at 
least for linux is also answered) indicates to me that you are not likely not a programmer.    

Quite frankly, my suggestion to you is you need to *HIRE a competent programmer.. PERIOD...EXCLAMATION 
POINT*.   While compiling is not hard(on Linux anyway), it is a quite tedious process to make sure your build 
environment is set up correctly and then you likely have to compile a number of dependencies prior to 
actually getting to compile GIMP.     machines.   If you happen to be using Windows, quite honestly, you will 
spend FAR more time and aggravation just getting your machine set up to do a compile than you would to do the 
compile itself.  Next,the biggest issue is not so much compiling, but compiling it is such a way as to make 
it re-distributable to other machines.

As for items 2 and 3, well... the information is documented in the source code.  Once you obtain a programmer 
to do the work, he can likely figure out the answer to these two items within an hour or so of time, but if 
not, he can always either a) subscribe to the developers list or b) check out the IRC channel to answer the 

What your asking for is like asking a doctor to tell gas station clerk over an email how to do Brain Surgery. 
 While anyone can quickly learn the beginning steps(ie, save the area of the head, cut skin flap and folder 
back, carefully cut a section of skull, remove skull section, cut out tumor, stop bleeding, replace skull 
section, sew/stable skin back), the hard part is making sure that your finished product works(ie, the guys 
brain actually functions and he is not a vegetable, lost motor function in parts of his body, lost cognitive 

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