Re: [Gimp-user] CentOS packanges for 2.8?

On Sun, 2012-07-15 at 21:38 +0200, erroneus wrote:
I used 'librsvg-2.36.1.tar.xz' when compiling 2.8 and everything went
Give it a try to that version of librsvg, remember setting:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gimp-2.8/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gimp-2.8/lib
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gimp-2.8/lib/pkgconfig

configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8
make -j 2
make install

this 'make install' with elevated privileges according with the
permissions of '/opt/gimp-2.8'
then try 'configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8' again in GIMP source code

Yes, these are all the things I am doing.  When I get to the:

./configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8

It fails with:

checking for gobject-introspection... configure: error: gobject-introspection-1.0 is not installed

I, of course, have been trying to install gobject-instrospection and have been failing miserably.  Sourcing 
various versions from here: I have tried many versions all with 
the same failure talking about Glib-2.0.gir.. and it seems to be looking somewhere other than /opt/gimp-2.8 
for it.

The previous two threads didn't go to the list, clicked 'Reply' instead
'Reply to All' so they went directly to your mail, my mistake... :P

Try configuring 'librsvg' without 'gobject-introspection':
./configure --prefix=/opt/gimp-2.8/ --enable-introspection=no

And yes, I tried compiling 'gobject-introspection-1.33.3.tar.xz' and
'librsvg-2.36.1' fails to detect it, so for now disable it and give it a



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