Re: [Gimp-user] gimp color selector like in GNU Paint

Am 23.07.12 19:09, schrieb Enda:
Is there a gimp color selector like in GNU Paint?

- Enda

I guess, you mean the color palette at the bottom of this screenshot, don't you?

To select a foreground or background color in a similar easy way like GPaints color palette, do the following: 1. Under the tools palette (usually on the left window border) you find the color selectors: two overlapping, black and white filled rectangles. If you don't find them, press the d (lowercase) key and search again.
2. Click into the white or black rectangle.
3. At the upper left side of the next dialog window, click on the pipette register tab. A grid with a color palette will show. The default color palette shows a basic set of colors similar to those in GPaint.
4. Select a color from the grid and confirm the dialog.

If you'd like to have a color palette similar to that in GPaint, save the selected color with the little '>' button in the lower middle of the color dialog. You can then further select it from the color palette in the lower right of this dialog. You find more information about the color selection dialog at

It's not that straightforward like in GPaint, but both programs have different goals. While GPaint is meant to be very simple like MS Paint, GIMP is an advanced photo editing application.

Best regards,


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