2014-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Evolution] Received msg is all grey,
Gerry Howlett
[Evolution] Opening links in Firefox,
[Evolution] Crash attempting to use Calendar,
Kim Foltz
[Evolution] Evolution adds new line after each line in previous message on reply and forwarding,
Astafev Evgeny
[Evolution] Localized versions of Re?,
Bjørn T Johansen
[Evolution] Filter incoming messages by recipients,
Ralf Mardorf
[Evolution] IMAP daemon keeps logging out and in since upgrade to Evo 3.12.8,
[Evolution] Saving Preference Changes,
Kim Foltz
[Evolution] When starting Evo opens at top of message list instead of bottom,
[Evolution] Message read/un-read problem,
Joost Kraaijeveld
[Evolution] Truncating threads when replying to mail,
Craig Hartnett
[Evolution] Disable Password For NSS User Private Key and Certificate Store,
Sajan Parikh
[Evolution] Disable IMAP MOVE usage?,
Pete Biggs
[Evolution] IMAP Namespace in 3.10.4,
Sajan Parikh
[Evolution] Keyring problems (again),
Patrick O'Callaghan
Re: [Evolution] Issue with read only calendars using CalDav SSL (3.10.4),
[Evolution] Cannot get pop summary and other strange evolution 3.10.4 behavior,
John Lauterbach
Re: [Evolution] [SOLVED] Evo freezes during rendering of very large messages,
[Evolution] Evolution locks up,
Jonathan Ryshpan
[Evolution] Evo freezes during rendering of very large messages,
[Evolution] HTML stripped when replying to HTML messages,
[Evolution] Evolution performance bottleneck,
Harvey Nimmo
[Evolution] Fedora 20 - Evolution - Gnome gui freezes,
Gregory P. Ennis
[Evolution] FOREIGN KEY constraint failed 3.12.7,
Daye Liu
[Evolution] What Is This?,
Bill Kuns
[Evolution] FOREIGN KEY constraint failed,
[Evolution] Evolution 3.12.7 debian - Maildir directories name corruption,
Peter Von Kaehne
[Evolution] Not able to send mail using EWS?,
Bjørn T Johansen
[Evolution] MOVE in imapx and unexpected server response,
Valentin David
Re: [Evolution] [solved] Evolution 3.12.7 segmentation fault,
Re: [Evolution] IMAP server dead, but evolution has my emails,
Greg Oliver
[Evolution] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Adam Seering
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Andre Klapper
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Adam Tauno Williams
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Ãngel González
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Adam Seering
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Adam Tauno Williams
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Adam Tauno Williams
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Adam Tauno Williams
- Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Reid Thompson
- Re: [Evolution] Fast full-text search of e-mails?,
Pete Biggs
Re: [Evolution] Trouble authenticating to Exchange account,
Adam Seering
Mail converted by MHonArc