Re: [Evolution] Not able to send mail using EWS?

Ok, seem to have found the reason for this... Not sure why buy here it goes..:

When I send a new mail, SMTP is not used, it seems...
But when I a reply to an email, Evolution uses SMTP and tries to connect to the Exchange server on port 465, 
which is not an open port at work.

Why is this treated differently? Any way around this?


On Sat, 8 Nov 2014 17:30:49 +0100
Bjørn T Johansen <btj havleik no> wrote:

On Sat, 08 Nov 2014 15:40:09 +0000
Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk> wrote:

Same repository. Maybe you should try to do some debugging as the problem
could be server side.

The "problem" is that I have a Mac running MS Outlook that has no
problem sending emails, so the problems seems to be connected to
Are there some configuration(s) I can set wrong?

As Constantin said, you need to do some debugging.  First, run Evolution
from the command line.  If there are any errors, then they will be
shown.  If that doesn't show anything, then run Evolution with debugging
enabled.  See:

The debug variable for EWS isn't shown there, but I think it's EWS_DEBUG
(although no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong).  So just do 

  EWS_DEBUG=1 evolution >& logfile

Any errors communicating with the server should be obvious.


Ok, no errors when just running from command line.. Tried using the debug variable and got a huge logfile 
but as far as I can see, I can not find any
errors in it..
Also it seems I can send new emails but I can not reply to emails....

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