[Evolution] Truncating threads when replying to mail

Hi there,

* Evolution: 3.8.4
* Ubuntu: 13.10

I've been monitoring this list for several weeks now, and wasn't
planning to ask about a couple of issues until I had upgraded Ubuntu and
was running a more recent version of Evolution.

However, something that has just started within the last couple of days
is that when I reply to some (not all) emails, only the most recent
message in the thread is quoted. This is frustrating to say the least,
as I (of course) want all of the previous messages to remain intact.

After some research I realised that I think this is happening when a
message I receive has a signature (with the "-- " demarcation) that is
placed immediately *below* the most recent reply, but *above* the
previous messages. Evolution thinks that the whole thread of messages
below the signature is part of the signature, and truncates accordingly.

Is there anywhere that I can control this reply-and-truncate behaviour
of Evolution, preferably on a per-reply basis, but possibly globally?

For what it's worth, I did not have any part of the message selected
when I replied, and I can forward the message to keep the whole thing
intact, but that's not an ideal workaround.



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