[Evolution] Disable IMAP MOVE usage?

Hi -

Evo 3.10.4 on Fedora 20 / Dovecot 2.2.10 on CentOS 6

I've just upgraded one of my IMAP servers and it now seems to implement
the IMAP MOVE command - i.e. rather than the old COPY+MARK AS DELETED,
it actually moves the email and the message now disappears from the
folder completely.

Unfortunately, my other IMAP servers don't do this - so I have different
results for the same action on the various IMAP accounts.

It has also completely changed my work flow for the new server: I want
mail to be filtered into different folders, but having the
marked-as-deleted message in my INBOX meant I was essentially alerted to
the fact that there was something new that had been filtered; at the
moment I am missing mails because I don't see that something has
arrived.  (If I want them to be filtered without being in my INBOX, I do
it on the server using the MTA.)

Is there anyway to stop Evolution from using the IMAP MOVE command, even
though it's advertised as a capability?  Or failing that does anyone
know how to stop disable the move command in Dovecot?

Or am I going to have to re-write my filters?


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