On Tue, 2014-11-25 at 12:49 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-11-25 at 08:27 +0100, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
> > Is it possible to configure Evolution to recognize other variations ot Re and Fw in the subject?
> > Like in Norwegian, many MUA uses Sv instead of Re, so my subject line end up looking like this: Re: Sv: Re: Sv: ......
> > Any way to "fix" this?
> Did you check Evolution's Help?
> andre
> If you did not find that topic covered in the Help then I'd like to know
> what/how you tried to find that topic. :)
Help > Contents > Search for "Re"
"Handling localized "Re:" in subjects
Traditionally a "Re:" prefix is added to a subject line when replying to
an email. Some email applications use localized terms for this (like
"SV:" in Danish or "AW: in German). Evolution can recognize these terms
to avoid subject lines getting longer as the conversation continues.
Open the Terminal application.
Run the command gsettings set
org.gnome.evolution.mail.composer-localized-re 'AW:,SV:' (in case that
you want "AW:" and "SV:" to be recognized).
You can also use the dconf-editor application to do this."
Ok, that indeed just takes a few seconds.
I guess we users often ignore help, because it's seldom that usable as
Evolution's help is. I didn't know it before you replied. The OP perhaps
experienced help options of other software as useless too.
Evolutions help is good work!
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