Re: [Evolution] IMAP daemon keeps logging out and in since upgrade to Evo 3.12.8

On Sat, 2014-11-22 at 22:19 -0600, Chris wrote:
Ubuntu 14.04.LTS, Gnome 3.12.2, Evo 3.12.8. The update to 3.12.8 was 
made yesterday approximately 16:35 immediately after that I started 
seeing this in my syslog snippets:

and has continued like this through 22:00 this evening. Seeing as 
this started immediately after the update I'd have to say it was 
something in Evolution causing this. Anyone have any suggestions? I 
can run debug commands and paste to pastebin if anyone wants to see 

Nov 21 16:37:22 localhost imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
Nov 21 16:37:22 localhost imapd: LOGIN, user=chris, ip=[::ffff:], port=[35604], protocol=IMAP
Nov 21 16:38:52 localhost imapd: DISCONNECTED, user=chris, ip=[::ffff:], headers=0, body=0, 
rcvd=252, sent=28494, time=90
Nov 21 16:38:52 localhost imapd: DISCONNECTED, user=chris, ip=[::ffff:], headers=3480, body=0, 
rcvd=19193, sent=1444069, time=90
Nov 21 16:39:21 localhost imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:] Nov 21 16:39:22 localhost imapd: LOGIN, 
user=chris, ip=[::ffff:], port=[35611], protocol=IMAP
Nov 21 16:40:54 localhost imapd: DISCONNECTED, user=chris, ip=[::ffff:], headers=0, body=0, 
rcvd=18638, sent=1438167, time=92

it's not a bug, or at least part of it. There had been added
a 90 seconds timeout for connections, thus if there's an inactivity 
for the 90 seconds, the IMAPx disconnects automatically (to be honest, 
I thought the timeout is relevant only for ongoing requests, not for 
"idle" connection state). More interesting is why IMAPx reconnected 
short after the disconnect.

Were you working with evolution till that ~22:00, or it was doing this 
on its own? By working with evolution I mean message reading, 
downloading, folder operations and such, basically anything what would 
do something with the connection to the server and keep it alive or 
require it, thus reconnect.

The debugging command to use is:
   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io,imapx:conman evolution &>log.txt
As always, make sure you'll not expose any private information, like 
passwords, server addresses, emails and so on (the log will contain 
raw communication, thus anything what you download from it, including 
messages content).

Maybe open a bug report at GNOME's bugzilla and continue there. I'll 
let this up to you.

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