Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Fast full-text search of e-mails?

On Tue, 2014-11-04 at 01:50 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Tue, 04 Nov 2014 01:39:20 +0100
Ángel González <angel 16bits net> wrote:

Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

I doubt there is a MUA that is going to nicely handle full-text
search of very large mailboxes.  You really need an index to handle
that type of search - and I am not aware of any MUA which indexes
message *content* [vs. headers and meta-data].

What about evolution ibex then?
Or thunderbird's gloda [1] (yes, it does include message bodies)

Not that I like them, though. Personally, I prefer to pay the IO/CPU
penalty when performing searches (almost always restricted to an email
subtree) than paying the space one duplicating the account data in a
search index.

But I understand that fulltext indexing everything suits other
people's workflow.


I misunderstand your request and thought that you were searching within
one message. Indeed, I can confirm that searching for a keyword in the
message's bodies, in a folder with tons of messages takes very long and
often the results are terrible. I experienced Mozilla's, e.g.
Thunderbird as very fast and providing correct results. As already
mentioned, I'm using local POP accounts the size of the mailboxes might
be several MiBs, perhaps GiBs.

I seem to have touched off a bit of a discussion here...

It sounds like Evolution's indexing support is very protocol-specific.
I guess my specific question should be:  Does Evolution EWS support
full-text indexing?

If not:  It seems like the functionality does exist for POP.  Is there a
known interesting technical reason why it would be hard to just enable
the same thing for EWS (when all e-mail is cached offline)?  Or is it
just a matter of "no one has gotten around to it yet?"


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