Re: [Evolution] Evolution performance bottleneck

On Wed, 2014-11-12 at 22:14 +0200, Robert Munteanu wrote:
Hi Harvey,

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:06 PM, Harvey Nimmo <harvey nimmo de> wrote:
Does anyone have an idea where I should look to find out why my
Evolution is now so excruciatingly slow?

I am running Evolution 3.12.7 under Gnome 3.14.1 on Opensuse 13.2
(64-bit) on my desktop computer, having moved from Opensuse 13.1.

There are 2 email accounts, one under POP (deleting all mails from the
POP server after downloading) and the other under EWS.

I think one good start is to run one account at a time ( by disabling,
not deleting them ) and seeing if this is a problem with one of them (
more likely ) or an interaction between the both .



It doesn't seem to be that kind of problem. I disabled the EWS account
and the problem persists, even after reboot.


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