2021-September Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Evolution] Trying to set Evolution up after crash recovery,
[Evolution] Evolution Issue in MXLinux,
M Berey
[Evolution] Emails dissapeared or Deleted?,
Christopher Marlow
[Evolution] As of today, Evolution can't connect to GMAIL,
Louis van Dyk
[Evolution] Why does Thunderbird work and Evolution fail?,
Anonymous Japhering
[Evolution] Adiing Filter Conditions,
Amit Yaron
[Evolution] get the selected mails on top,
bug q. contri
[Evolution] Office365 multiple shared calendars from an account,
Pete Biggs
Re: [Evolution] Too many user defined flags,
Paulo Costa
[Evolution] Use evolution to send out a list of messages from the command line,
[Evolution] dictionaries in Evolution,
bug q. contri
Re: [Evolution] How to display attached pictures ?,
[Evolution] Unsubscribed folders reappear,
Lucas Eichhorn
Re: [Evolution] Evolution Mail and Office365 MFA,
Sorin Srbu
[Evolution] Displaying attachment type: msg,
Louis van Dyk
Re: [Evolution] Initial run moved many emails from IMAP folders to Junk,
Re: [Evolution] Send messages as plain text to select recipients,
Vincent Hennebert
Re: [Evolution] How to edit/insert html code,
Andre Klapper
Re: [Evolution] Google and EWS connector auth pia,
Michael Piko
Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Vincent Hennebert
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Vincent Hennebert
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Vincent Hennebert
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Vincent Hennebert
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Vincent Hennebert
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Vincent Hennebert
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA,
Vincent Hennebert
Re: [Evolution] Copies of messages not deleted on the server and multiple copies of the same downloaded,
Milan Crha
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