Re: [Evolution] As of today, Evolution can't connect to GMAIL

On Mon, 2021-09-13 at 15:21 +0200, Louis van Dyk wrote:
As of today, connections to GMAIL are timing out.  Mine are using the
Gnome Online Accounts.  Anyone else  having trouble?

no, works fine here.

What is the exact error, please? Anything like "Timeout was reached"?
If so, it can be the goa-daemon process is stuck on something or it
fails to restart or any other thing around the D-Bus dependencies,
maybe gnome-keyring-daemon, who knows...

Try to close/kill the goa-daemon process, or just restart it from the

   $ /usr/libexec/goa-daemon --replace

then restart the evolution process:

   $ evolution --force-shutdown

and then start the evolution. If it'll not help, I'd try the
gnome-keyring-daemon, just in case. These can be the two most likely


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