Re: [Evolution] Trying to set Evolution up after crash recovery

On Wed, 2021-09-29 at 19:08 -0400, lar3ry sasktel net wrote:
I did not know where my configuration file might be, so I did set
it up without that.

being the previous version older or the same as the current, you might
get your accounts configuration files being used without a need to
reconfigure anything. I do not know whether this would be of any use
for you now, but the storage for the data is described here:

However, I now have folders that I did not have before. They are sub-
folders of my email address, and when I get new mail, it goes into the
Inbox folder under that header. They used to go into an Inbox that was
under "On this computer". What have I configured incorrectly?

I guess you used to have the account configured as POP, while it is
configured as IMAP now. You see what the server has stored on their
side now.

The reported error was "RCPTTO <evolutions-list gnome org> failed:
<evolutions-list gnome org>... Relaying denied: You must check for new
mail before sending mail.".

Go to the account Properties->Sending email tab and change the
Authentication method. I do not know which exactly your SMTP server
requires, I'd guess "POP before SMTP", but it can be you've set no
authentication method at all, then try click "Check for supported type"
and you'll see what can be used (supposing the server returns the
correct values). It can depend also on the port being used. You may
follow the options as shown here:

It seems they run an Exchange server, though they do not advertise it
being available on the above page. The address
seems to response something, thus you might be eventually able to
configure evolution-ews and use this URL as the Host URL. That if you
want to use also the address books, calendars, task lists and memo
lists from that server.


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