Re: [Evolution] Failing to connect to Office365 account with MFA

On Wed, 2021-09-01 at 18:46 +0200, Vincent Hennebert wrote:
DavMail shows more intermediate connections, but otherwise seemingly
the same steps.

Actually, I don’t seem to see in DavMail’s log the POST request to<the_tenant_id>/oauth2/token that Evolution
tries to make.

DavMail logs the HTML code of the last MFA window. It’s basically a
form that posts some data to Indeed DavMail then opens
a connection to that URL. From what I understand it’s being redirected
(HTTP code 302) to with some
parameters, and after that it logs some authentication code that seems
to be what starts the whole exchange with the server.

Would that explain the invalid request returned to Evolution?

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