2003-June Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[no subject],
[no subject],
[xml] Run-time error during XML parse,
Sriram Chadalavada
[xml] EXSLT regular expressions?,
Noel Bush
[xml] Mem leak or not? -- plain text. please reply to this one :),
Xiang Yan
[xml] Mem leak or not? more,
Xiang Yan
[xml] Mem leak or not,
Xiang Yan
[xml] xincludeProcess() behavior,
bdeck _
[xml] Libxml and iconv for PocketPC2002,
Arda Tekin
[xml] Xpointer/XMLIO API examples (C, C++),
[xml] Re: Re: Compression?!,
Thomas Rokohl
[xml] Re: Compression?!,
Thomas Rokohl
[xml] undefined reference,
carlos cano
RE : [xml] Problems to parse UTF-16 encoded xml with libxml imple mentation o f xmlReader,
[xml] xmlsec and XInclude,
Steve Underwood
[xml] Compression?!,
Thomas Rokohl
[xml] mobile links for XInclude?,
Ben Decker
[xml] Problems to parse UTF-16 encoded xml with libxml implementation o f xmlReader,
[xml] Building libxml on macos9,
[xml] Latest John Fleck's LibXML tutorial link,
Lucas Brasilino
[xml] What's the problem?,
Fred Fehner
[xml] Retrieving default values from DTD,
D.J. van der Laan
[xml] Stable version,
Melle Geers
[xml] XML Catalogs resolution under win98,
Vitaly Ostanin
[xml] xmlAddChild() vs. xmlAddChildList(),
Roelant Ossewaarde
[xml] libxm2.dll.a,
Fred Fehner
[xml] The Taint of the Headers,
Igor Zlatkovic
[xml] xpointer with python-libxml2?,
Ben Decker
[xml] Ask an XPath problem,
[xml] how can i validate with the Reader-SAX-interface against the XMLSchema,
Berlinez . Oussorov
[xml] xmlNodeGetContent() bug?,
Alexander Grimalovsky
[xml] Using xs:unique with attributes.,
[xml] Compilation of libxml2 for Win32 using Borland's BCB6,
Eric . Zurcher
[xml] how to validate with SAX (Reader) against xmlschema,
Oussorov E.
[xml] Libxml2 Win32 Install Problem (Zope),
Andrea Borruso
Re: [xml] final output filtering? (fwd),
Justin Fletcher
[xml] Maximum number of children node,
[xml] Re: [xslt] Support for exslt func:function dropped ?,
Aaron Optimizer Digulla
[xml] encoding floats,
Jeff Abrahamson
[xml] libxml Newbie,
Robert A. Nurse
[xml] libxml2 2.5.4 & libxslt ported, question about Xlink???,
Ben Decker
[xml] test & patch,
[xml] final output filtering?,
Chris Ryland
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Daniel Veillard
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Chris Ryland
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Aleksey Sanin
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Chris Ryland
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Peter Jacobi
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Peter Jacobi
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Justin Fletcher
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Rich Salz
- RE: [xml] final output filtering?,
Mark Itzcovitz
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Chris Ryland
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] final output filtering?,
- RE: [xml] final output filtering?,
Zlatkovic, Igor
- RE: [xml] final output filtering?,
Zlatkovic, Igor
- RE: [xml] final output filtering?,
Zlatkovic, Igor
[xml] namespace attached to document freed at document free time?,
Chris Ryland
[xml] xmlNewNs() doc suggestion,
Chris Ryland
[xml] Crash/Memory leak in threads.c,
Eugene Gershnik
[xml] PythonBindingsAttrWithNsPb,
[xml] getting named entities on output?,
Chris Ryland
[xml] Re: Movie,
[xml] Problem with parsing of a beginner,
[xml] Xpath and default attribute value,
Jean Senellart
[xml] xmlValidCtxt allocator/deallocator patch,
Gary . Pennington
[xml] mapping 2-byte Unicode char to UTF-8?,
Chris Ryland
[xml] Issues Validating with Schemas,
matt . corr
[xml] Problem whit --with-schemas in ./configure,
[xml] libxml usage,
David Champagne
Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Eric . Zurcher
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Daniel Veillard
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Zlatkovic, Igor
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Zlatkovic, Igor
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Vakoc, Mark
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Zlatkovic, Igor
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Zlatkovic, Igor
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Vakoc, Mark
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Eric . Zurcher
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Murray . Cumming
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling,
Zlatkovic, Igor
[xml] XML library,
Evans, Dave - Budget
[xml] c14n - UNICODE normalization,
Peter Jacobi
[xml] Line numbers for error messages,
James Gallagher
[xml] xmlwriter,
Jeroen Cranendonk
[xml] Libxml 2.5.7. on plain SUSE 7.2 ES fails with "segmentation violation" running "make tests",
Matthias Pohlig
[xml] Possible bug with Byte Order Marks,
Mark Itzcovitz
RE: [xml] question again! --- nobody can help me?[questions about the SAX interface of libxml2],
Murray . Cumming
'Re: [xml] "thread-support performance (transformations)"',
Kasimier Buchcik
[xml] question again! --- nobody can help me?[questions about the SAX interface of libxml2],
[xml] XPath namespace filtering...,
Sean Chittenden
[xml] shouldn't xmlNodeDumpOutputInternal obey xml:space="preserve"?,
Chris Ryland
[xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
- Re: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Igor Zlatkovic
- SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Aleksey Sanin
- Re: Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Aleksey Sanin
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Igor Zlatkovic
- [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Peter Jacobi
- Re: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Aleksey Sanin
- Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Igor Zlatkovic
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling conventions,
Vakoc, Mark
[xml] "official" way to test for any # of attributes on a node?,
Chris Ryland
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