Re: [xml] xmlwriter

On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 10:33:57PM +0200, Jeroen Cranendonk wrote:
Hello :)
I've been fiddling with the xmlwriter idea some more (see previous posts), and
wrote the start of some code of an implementation of what I had in mind :)
it only writes elements right now and has a million things wrong with it,
but I'd like to see what others think, and if I'm on the right path at all ;)
The code as source or tgz'ed source is to be found at:
the header file has some relevant urls (Api I'm moddeling after) as comment
in the first lines.

Please have a look at it, pick out any mistakes, lemme know what you think
of the code and the idea, and if you're bored help expand it, 'd be greatly
appreciated ^-^

(or let me know it's dumb, why it's dumb, and what I should use/do instead ;)
  I had a very quick look at the .c file. Main reproach is stylistic
using // comments and not commenting the functions individually. If you
don't comment them when writing them how do you express to an user what
they are supposed to do ? It's the very beginning , but I see nothing
obviously wrong with the code itself


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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