Re: [xml] final output filtering?


On Sunday, June 8, 2003, at 12:18  PM, Aleksey Sanin wrote:

Recently I had to investigate "line feed" issue in xmlsec and with great help from smart people on xmldsig mailing list I found that XML processor always
ignores '\r' character:

 To simplify the tasks of applications, the characters passed to an
 application by the XML processor must be as if the XML processor
 normalized all line breaks in external parsed entities (including the
 document entity) on input, before parsing, by translating both the
 two-character sequence #xD #xA and any #xD that is not followed
 by #xA to a single #xA character.

And LibXML does exactly this. You should have no problems with
Unix vs. DOS end of lines.

I wish I could convey my problem situation more accurately. I'll give it one more stab and then stop asking. ;-)

At least under Mac OS (where many of my users will be--this is a desktop publishing tool, where the Mac still (mostly) reigns), I can't produce files with just #A (\n) as line endings. Many tools (e.g., text editors) there won't deal with these line endings (they'll just ignore it)--they'll just see one long line for the whole file.

So I don't really have any choice but to post-process the file and produce \r as line endings on the Mac, and \r\n under Windows (the latter may be arguable, but the former is not).

And, as you say, on input, any of these files will be presented as normalized by libxml2 (with just \n line endings), so I don't see the big problem with this kind of post-processing.

(And I'm controlling both input and output of this particular file format, and there's no problem introducing extra characters because of the way the file is structured. (Line endings can't possibly have any meaning in this application.)

--Chris Ryland / Em Software, Inc. /

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