Re: Re: [xml] mobile links for XInclude?

FromDaniel Veillard <veillard redhat com>
DateMon, 23 Jun 2003 19:45:30 -0400
 That I's still 100% sure you should read RFC 2396, "/" is an
URI path separator, not "\", go read it !
Now there might still be a problem converting Winblows filepath to
file URIs internally, well it's possibly something need to be fixed in
the WIN32 environment.
I just use str = str.replace("\\","/"), and everything works fine now. Now that I know what the problem 
was... Thanks. This also solves the mobility problem... and might be much easier to implement than XML 

And I guess Internet Explorer is not really 100% RFC 2396-compliant, huh?


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On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 09:34:05PM +0100, Ben Decker wrote:
Notice the successful relative XInclude resolution when using DJGPP's psuedo-UNIX convention rather than 
standard DOS nomenclature (DJGPP's libc understands *both*, even concurrently in the same filename). I 
this may have to do perhaps with the comments I made about xmlIO.c on bugzilla.

What do you think?
  That I's still 100% sure you should read RFC 2396, "/" is an
URI path separator, not "\", go read it !
Now there might still be a problem converting Winblows filepath to
file URIs internally, well it's possibly something need to be fixed in
the WIN32 environment.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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