Re: [xml] final output filtering?

On Saturday, June 7, 2003, at 06:36  PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:

On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 05:45:32PM -0400, Chris Ryland wrote:
How about just changing the line endings? In my application, it
definitely won't hurt.
  Have you read end of line normalization in the XML spec ? No,
then go read the spec !
  I am *not* joking !
Yes, I have, but this normalization is for input, and that's what I 
assume is happening (and it's fine).
I'm talking about creating XML files for use on Mac and Windows 
platforms, where the editing/text processing tools assume 
platform-native endings (CR LF under Windows, CR under Mac OS).
What do you suggest that I do when outputting XML files on these 
Can you give me a few more hints along the lines of "possible at the C
  See the interfaces in xmlIO.h like xmlOutputBufferCreateIO()
Also read the online docs
And use the list, please !!!

--Chris Ryland / Em Software, Inc. /

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