Re: SV: [xml] windows binary with different calling

 xmlDocPtr XMLCALL xmlParseFile(xmlChar* filename);

or even this:

 XMLEXPORT xmlDocPtr XMLCALL xmlParseFile(xmlChar* filename);

  I think that's the format, of course currently all exports are formatted
in the header files to align arguments, this will be a pain... The name of
the macro is not binding but 1/ XML prefix and 2/ short to minimize space
are 2 constraints I would like to impose ... XMLEXPORT/XMLCALL are fine.
Check withn Mark for this ...

The names of those macros bear no importance to me, any is as good as any other. I agree about the XML prefix and them being as short as they can get.

I suggest we do it with one of the headers and post the changed header. Then you can take a good look at it and see how you feel about the taint :-)

Once that is clear, and the scripts are settled, some of us others will do
the work, it is our platform. :-) Really, no point in you doing things you
cannot test, or have you installed Windows in the meantime? :-)

  Nahhh ! No Way !!!
But I will have to make sure the macros really get defined to empty strings
when building on anything but Windows (and apparently OS/2)

When we do a

  #if defined _WIN32
    #define XMLCALL __cdecl
    #define XMLCALL

then I am quite sure every Unix incarnation will have it empty... unless you compile with -D_WIN32 on your box :-) I think it safe to assume the sun will go nova before you do so :-) :-)


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