[xml] Retrieving default values from DTD

I have a question about retrieving default values for attributes from a DTD. I expected that the function xmlGetprop would give me the default value if one was specified in the DTD (the tutorial and the documentation mention this), but for some reason this does not work. (For the code I used, look below.)

So here is my question. How do I retrieve default values for attributes from a DTD, if no value is specified in the XML file? Do I have to take some actions to enable the use of a DTD?


Suppose my DTD (mydtd.dtd) looks like this

<!ELEMENT root (something)*>

<!ELEMENT something (EMPTY)*>
 <!ATTLIST something name CDATA #REQUIRED>
 <!ATTLIST something property ("0"|"1") "0">

and my XML file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM "mydtd.dtd">
 <something name="naam" />

I expected that the next line (cur is pointing to <element ...) would give the value "0", but it did not give a value at all (NULL).

property = xmlGetProp(cur, "property");

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