2017-May Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Evolution] How to edit list of applications to open attachments,
W Van Snyder
[Evolution] Don't show next e-mail after delete,
[Evolution] Evolution lost my follow-up flags after an IMAP server update,
Jorge Morais Neto
[Evolution] Subfolders under Inbox suddenly disappeared,
Dr. John H. Lauterbach
[Evolution] Merge 2 accounts,
Mike Stroud
[Evolution] How to set default calendar view,
Schlatow, Sebastian
[Evolution] No inbox,
[Evolution] How do I get help Evolution mail,
[Evolution] Inbox column disappeared,
[Evolution] Import S/MIME public key from signed message?,
Ward, Evan
[Evolution] Long standing feature request,
Youssef Mahmoud
[Evolution] Composing editor selection,
[Evolution] Version 3.24 for Ubuntu?,
David Burleigh
[Evolution] Persistent "Error while sending message" due to malformed recipient address,
Vidar Evenrud Seeberg
[Evolution] Default account; missing indicators,
David Burleigh
[Evolution] Double calendar entries,
Rudolf Künzli
[Evolution] can't see mail which is within mail/local/cur,
mario chiari
Re: [Evolution] Many strange errors after upgrading to Evolution 3.24.2?,
[Evolution] Feature Requests,
David Burleigh
[Evolution] Quoted text in HTML mails from Evolution displayed without "blue bar" in Outlook,
Martin Dietze
[Evolution] recovering "On This Computer",
Adam Smith
[Evolution] Evolution,
John Koch
[Evolution] Not able to open calendars anymore..,
Bjørn T Johansen
[Evolution] Configuring regular white HTML template when Global Dark Mode enabled?,
Nico Rikken
[Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Benjamin Selzer
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Bjørn T Johansen
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Benjamin Selzer
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Benjamin Selzer
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Benjamin Selzer
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Benjamin Selzer
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Andre Klapper
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Rudolf Künzli
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Bjørn T Johansen
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Milan Crha
- Re: [Evolution] Failed to Open (EWS) Calendar,
Bjørn T Johansen
[Evolution] Evolution crashes when timezone offset other than local timezone offset,
Ruben Zähler
Re: [Evolution] Failed to refresh folder,
[Evolution] upgrade woes Part Deux,
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