2004-July Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[xml] buildDocBookCatalog script enhancement,
William M. Brack
[xml] FWIW: libxml2 2.6.11 build warnings,
Mike Hommey
[xml] streaming XML,
Bob Rossi
[xml] patches to tree.c,
Rob Richards
[xml] HTMLparser too permissive,
[xml] missing check in tree.c?,
[xml] Namespace normalization/reconciliation,
Bruce Miller
[xml] Compile and linking errors encountered,
[xml] XML schema validation fails,
[xml] small patch for linux glibc 2.1.2,
Mike Stump
[xml] trying to build a document with a shared dictionary,
Martijn Faassen
[xml] using xmlDocSetRootElement to move nodes between documents,
Martijn Faassen
[xml] compiling libxml2 on AIX,
Simon Kitching
[xml] xmlsoft bindings with C interpreter Ch,
Wayne Cheng
[xml] a couple of issues using tree.c (xmlReconciliateNs and xmlTreeErr),
Rob Richards
Re: [xml] memory corruption on copying XML!? - PATCH,
[xml] memory corruption on copying XML!?,
[xml] xmlParseFile, does this allocate memory?,
Grant Schoep
[Fwd: Re: [xml] doing an xml diff],
Balint Joo
[xml] doing an xml diff,
Aamer Akhter
[xml] XPath expression returning unexpected nodeset?,
Eddy Steevens
[xml] python xmlReader remains in previous attribute,
[xml] iconv not found,
William Kanoff
[xml] xmlParseChunk() ignores CDATA content?,
Fengguang Song
[xml] Adding Line Break to XML file,
Tam Nguyen
[xml] Replacing parts of xml with xsl,
Colin Gillespie
[xml] libxml2-2.6.11 -- detection of Python in configure,
Peter Breitenlohner
[xml] Fwd: Python file drv_libxml2.py should specify encoding,
Mike Hommey
[xml] parse &,
Fengguang Song
[xml] Building a DOM tree in python using libxml2,
Colin Fox
[xml] Delivery failure notice (ID-000037EB),
[xml] Using libxml2 on Windows?,
Ronny Seemann
[xml] python xpath,
Jason Jesso
[xml] Setting default buffer size for input callbacks,
Your Name
[xml] Segfault using libxml2 from python 2.3.3,
Colin Fox
[xml] libxslt ancestor-or-self::* results ordering.,
Jason Adams
[xml] What is the procedure to build a static libxml2 ?,
Larry W. Virden
[xml] [PATCH] Enabling DEBUG_MEMORY breaks Win32 build,
Steve Hay
[xml] Traversing a XML Document,
[xml] Infinite loop when printing xsl doctype attribute twice from python,
[xml] notification,
[xml] Mac OS X Binaries,
Steve Ball
[xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Igor Zlatkovic
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Petr Pajas
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Cory Nelson
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Petr Pajas
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Daniel Veillard
- [PATCH] Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [PATCH] Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Steve Hay
- Re: [PATCH] Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [PATCH] Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Bjorn Reese
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
Jose Commins
- Re: [xml] xmlDocDumpMemory() is VERY slow on Win32,
[xml] Re: [xslt] libxml2-2.6.11 -- 1. gcc warning, 2. elfgcchack Question,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] Problem in Relax-NG Python based test suite 1,
Frederik Himpe
[xml] xmlReaderForFD,
Alexandru Coseru
[xml] memory tag error occurs,
[xml] xmlTextReaderClose() and xmlFreeTextReader(),
r . polgar
[xml] parsing html,
[xml] xmlTextReader API and external DTD validation,
R. P.
[xml] FYI VS.NET 2005 B1.,
Ron Ohmer
[xml] Schema Question,
Dan White
[xml] xsl:apply-imports not passing on parameters,
Oliver Kiddle
[xml] html parsing,
[xml] problem with DLL,
Re: [xml] work for next release,
Rob Richards
[xml] Release of libxml2-2.6.11,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] MacOSX specific problem when using xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(),
=?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5kon?= Skjelten
[xml] python xmlReader attribute confusion,
[xml] xmlNodeDumpOutputInternal segfault when usingt '/' as xpath expr,
Joel McConaughy
[xml] xmlNodePtr->content always empty?,
Nils Schnabel
[xml] Test failures with 2.6.10 on Solaris 9/SPARC,
Albert Chin
[xml] How is xmlcatalog --sgml --del suppose to work?,
Albert Chin
[xml] newbie schema question,
Aliesha Finkel
Re: 'Re: [xml] "W3C XML Schema patch (simple type)"',
Daniel Veillard
[xml] [Bug 143739] - incorrect line numbers in well-formedness error message,
R. Steven Rainwater
[xml] Test failures with 2.6.10 on Redhat Linux 7.1, Enterprise 2.1,
Albert Chin
[xml] libxml2-python-2.6.10.tar.gz,
Sandor Palfy
Re: [xml] python bindings initialization,
Daniel Veillard
Mail converted by MHonArc