Re: [xml] How is xmlcatalog --sgml --del suppose to work?

On Sun, Jul 04, 2004 at 05:17:13AM -0400, Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 07:06:58PM -0500, Albert Chin wrote:
How is xmlcatalog --sgml --del suppose to work?

1. xmlcatalog --sgml --del [catalog file] [entry]?
2. xmlcatalog --sgml --del [entry] (acting on default SGML catalog)?

My preference is #1.

  I would think it's #1, in general the default catalogs are system
resources and hence not writable most of the time. Historically I
added this to implement pre and post rpm install script so I really
think it targets a given catalog specified on the command line. And
xmlcatalog --help seems to agree with this ...

At present:
  $ xmlcatalog --noout --sgml --add /tmp/b /tmp/a
will add
  CATALOG "/tmp/a"
to /tmp/b and add
  CATALOG "/tmp/b"
to the super catalog.

I really dislike this. It gives no control over which catalog file gets
modified (and I don't like the super catalog being modified
automatically). I'd like the operation of xmlcatalog with respect to
SGML catalogs to be like so:
  $ xmlcatalog --noout --sgml --add [new catalog entry] [catalog file]

So, the above would add
  CATALOG "/tmp/b"
to catalog file /tmp/a, without updating the super catalog. To update
the super catalog, rerun xmlcatalog with [catalog file] pointing to
the super catalog file.

At present, the behavior of XML and SGML catalog operations are
inconsistent. This would make them consistent, though introduce
backward incompatibility into the new xmlcatalog.

albert chin (china thewrittenword com)

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