2006-July Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Adding Columns to Gtk::TreeView,
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 18,
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 17,
How to change cursor in Gtk::Drawable,
CodeBlocks & Gtkmm,
Mickael Drean
gtk input dialog,
M&Ms M&Ms
C++ Portable Components: poco,
Maik Beckmann
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 16,
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 15,
Problem with the custom widget example,
colors of labels in event boxes,
Martin Spurek
Re: Non-Joinable Threads [SOLVED],
Jeremy Harmon
Non-Joinable Threads,
Jeremy Harmon
Jonathon Jongsma
problem redrawing label,
Harm Hamberg
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 14,
Needed Help with Gtk+ 2.8, Gtkmm 2.8, and .Net 2005,
Need Help BAD! Please, if you can, I'll be forever greatful! .Net, Gtk+ 2.8.18, & Gtkmm 2.8 8-2 NOT Compiling,
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.9.9,
Murray Cumming
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 13,
Canvas item destructors,
Jean-Marc Valin
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 12,
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 11,
More Recent files questions,
Jonathon Jongsma
gtkmm visual editor,
Przemysław Staniszewski
gtkmm wiki,
Maik Beckmann
Problem with Custom Widget Example,
gtkmm/glade tutorial?,
Greg Schussman
[gtkmm] linker error with mingw32/cross-compiler,
Christoph Nikic
GTKmm Streaming web image,
Recent Files tutorial documentation,
Jonathon Jongsma
API question about RecentManager,
Jonathon Jongsma
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 10,
License Question,
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.9.8,
Murray Cumming
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 9,
Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Mickael Drean
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Salvatore Iovene
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Mickael Drean
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Denis Leroy
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Mickael Drean
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Denis Leroy
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Joe Van Dyk
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Murray Cumming
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Mickael Drean
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Murray Cumming
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Joe Van Dyk
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Denis Leroy
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Joe Van Dyk
- Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux,
Mickael Drean
assertion GDK_IS_PIXBUF failed,
Aurelien KAMEL
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 8,
Dialog Position,
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
Running error,
Mickael Drean
Converting from Stock to Gtk::Pixbuf,
Philipp Kerling
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 7,
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 6,
Converting Color to B&W,
Hracek, Petr
Control user change of SpinButton value,
Josepo Urrutia
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 5,
Removing (yes) unloved API/ABI from gnome-vfsmm,
Murray Cumming
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 4,
Statically linking Gtkmm,
Joe Van Dyk
DLLs in c:\windows\system32,
Paul Breeuwsma
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 3,
Glib::Refptr and circular references,
Matt Hoosier
Display TIFF Image,
Petr Hracek
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2,
TreeStore behavior with -malign-double,
Bryan Silverthorn
How to disable a cell in TreeView?,
Leandro Fanzone
Paul Pogonyshev
Appended row not being displayed,
Ohrnberger, Erik
Win32 port: glimmconfig.h: no such file or directory,
Salvatore Iovene
Win32: get the HWND,
Salvatore Iovene
[Fwd: Bakery],
Bob Caryl
Re: Gtk::TreeSelection behaving strangely,
Jan Pfeifer
gtk::window.present() doesn't always present,
h . hamberg
libgnomecanvasmm 2.10 compile error,
Carlo Capocasa
Re: compile gtkmm source code,
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
Fwd: set_select_function,
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
Using glibmm to catch native win32 message,
Salvatore Iovene
href-links with gtkmm,
Miguel Vazquez Gocobachi
Re: New gtkmm24.2.6.9-2.fc4.i386,
Alberto Chiodi
ANNOUNCE: cairomm snapshot 1.1.10 now available,
Jonathon Jongsma
help with sigc::mem_fun,
Radu Brehar
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.9.7,
Murray Cumming
road to gtkmm 2.10,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Murray Cumming
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Murray Cumming
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Marko Anastasov
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Murray Cumming
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Murray Cumming
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Emmanuele Bassi
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Murray Cumming
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Matthias Clasen
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Murray Cumming
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Jonathon Jongsma
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Murray Cumming
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Marko Anastasov
- Re: road to gtkmm 2.10,
Douglas C. MacKenzie
Problems building glibmm-2.8.9,
none none
Zero to the left in SpinButton numbers,
Cesar Gonzalez
CellRenderer Question,
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
Re: gnome applets with gtkmm,
Gezim Hoxha
Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 2, Issue 1,
PrintOperationPreview doesn't seem right,
Marko Anastasov
Displaying an image,
Luis Federico Gómez Salazar
Mail converted by MHonArc