road to gtkmm 2.10

Gtk+ 2.10 is out now, so I thought I'd start a thread on what's needed
before a 2.10 release of gtkmm.

- Since 2.10 will depend on cairomm for the first time, we need to
release a stable version of cairomm.  I've been working on getting
cairomm into shape, but it could always use a few more eyes.  I've
wrapped the majority of the new API in cairo 1.2 in the last couple of
days and I'll try to release a snapshot very soon.  If you have any
feedback on cairomm, feel free to send it to the cairo mailing list
( or file a bug against cairomm on
- Are there any new GTK+ API that still need to be wrapped before 2.10
is released?  I know there's been some effort to wrap the new printing
stuff and Recent files.  Is there anything else that needs to be done?
- Are there any open bugs that need to be closed before 2.10?


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