Re: Canvas item destructors

On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 02:22 +1000, Jean-Marc Valin wrote:
> > Sorry, I looked that the examples/canvas/ example (in the
> > libgnomecanvasmm tarball), and discovered for sure that the example does
> > delete the child items explicitly.
> > 
> > I haven't seen an example that uses manage() with canvas items.
> I have just looked at the C version (libgnomecanvas/demos/) and they do
> *not* explicitly delete the child items. If both sets of examples are
> correct, then the C++ bindings changed the semantics, which is quite
> annoying.

I'm not aware of that, but I haven't looked at the libgnomecanvasmm
source recently. It's even possible that the examples do this because 
a) maybe you can delete them yourself too, if you like.
b) Something in libgnomecanvasmm broke the automatic-destruction and
when we wrote the examples we didn't know that automatic-destruction was
even a possibility.

However, it's also possible that the semantics have indeed been changed.
We do this with regular GTK+ objects, so that you get the normal C++
memory management. But uou can get the C-style behaviour with
Gtk::manage(). Maybe Gtk::manage() should work with GnomeCanvas, and
maybe you'd like to file a bug about that.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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